Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Plaza de la Constitución


Located opposite the Town Hall, this square is famous for having been the place where General Riego made his declaration of principles from the balcony of the house opposite the Plaza on 1 January 1820. General Rafael de Riego Núñez issued a rallying cry in favour of the Constitution of 1812 that King Fernando VII had abolished. To commemorate this event, the City Council placed a memorial stone in 1916 that reads “on 1 January 1820, the undefeated General Rafael de Riego Núñez, the glory of national freedom. In its desire to perpetuate this famous event, the Town Council ordered this memorial stone. Year MCMXVI”. 

The memorial stone was removed due to the outbreak of the war in 1936. A new memorial stone was placed with the advent of democracy in 1980, as the old one had broken into pieces. It is preserved in a safe place.

In the middle of the square is a stone monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by the sculptor Delgado Brackenbury, made in 1940. This sculptor is the author of significant monuments in Seville, including Fuente de Leones, Four Seasons at the Prado.



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