Pinares de Doñana

Natural areas

More than three hundred natural sites and nature reserves

Chaparro de La Vega Natural Monument


The Chaparro de La Vega is a massive holm oak tree located in the area of La Vega, 3 kilometres from Coripe. It is more than 300 years old, 13 metres high with a 23-metre diameter crown. Given these exceptional characteristics, the Regional Government of Andalusia has declared the tree a Natural Monument. The protected space is circumscribed to the circumference-perimeter whose centre corresponds with the projection of the holm oak’s crown plus a 25-metre radius around it.

The tree is surrounded by a mountainous landscape with a gently sloping relief and pasture areas, typical of Seville’s Sierra Sur. There are also some limestone masses with steep walls, such as the Peñón de Zaframagón.

Educational and entertainment activities take place under the Chaparro de la Vega. This place is very popular among the people of Coripe, who celebrate the pilgrimage of Our Lady of Fatima here.
The Chaparro de La Vega can be accessed from Corip’e former railway station, which is now used as the access to Sierra Greenway from Coripe. The station is located at the A-8126 Coripe-Algodonales road. From here, the path leads 1.5 kilometres to the west, towards the Castle’s tunnel, from where a road on the left leads to the River Guadalporcún. This road continues down to a bend in the river next to the Chaparro. Free access.

Natural monument
Surface area
0.20 Ha


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