turismo activo

Active tourism

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Seville, birds' paradise

Nature has been generous with the province of Seville. More than three hundred natural parks and nature reserves and more than twenty Natural Protected Areas: wetlands that are the only ones of their kind in Europe, countryside, dehesa, forests and ravines. Protected ecosystems such as the natural parks of Doñana and Sierra Norte in Seville, natural paradises for birds and birdwatchers.

The marshes of the Guadalquivir and the National and Natural Park of Doñana (very close to Aznalcázar) are a reserve for birds migrating between Africa and Europe, with concentrations of thousands of birds: ducks, waders, the largest colony of white storks in Europe in their natural state nesting on wild olive trees, black storks, kites, Iberian imperial eagles and concentrations of thousands of flamingos turning the marshes orange and pink with their reflection. You will be amazed by the largest concentration of white-headed ducks in Europe.

To admire and enjoy the beauty of waterfowl, you should also visit La Cañada de los Pájaros in La Puebla del Río. This is the only private Nature Reserve in Spain. And, of course, a stop at the Peñón de Zaframagón Nature Reserve (Coripe) is a must; it has one of the largest nesting colonies of griffon vultures in Europe. Its observatory was inaugurated in 2007 and covers most of the nesting areas and habitats of these impressive birds.

In the Embalse de Malpasillo Natural Park, in Badolatosa, the Embalse de Cordobilla Natural Area has is of outstanding ornithological interest.

In the Sierra Norte, enjoy the wonderful views and its wild and rugged nature, complete with large birds of prey: Iberian imperial eagle and black vulture.

To learn more, download the Bird Guide of the province of Seville.

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