

Art, feeling and tradition

Moda flamenca

The most vibrant regional costume

Flamenco maintains the tradition of its costumes and accessories, which evolve and change with the trends; one more piece of evidence that flamenco folklore is a living art. The sevillana or flamenco costume is the only regional costume that changes with the fashion.

Throughout the province you can find big and small fashion designers specialised in flamenco fashion in all its variations: gypsy costumes for the fairs, women’s riding costumes, short suits for men, fashion for processions and even for weddings. In Seville, getting married in flamenco dress is all the rage.

There is a wide range of accessories that cannot be lacking: manila shawls and small shawls, fans, tassels, ruffles and adornments, flowers, earrings (in Seville they are called sarcillos), shoes, petticoats, and an endless number of very flattering items.


63 enterprises to discover


Alicia Cáceres Moda Flamenca

Javier García Diseño Flamenco

Petalos Traje de Flamenca

Moda Flamenca Carmen Prieto

Moda Flamenca Gámez y Gabella

Aires de Feria Triana

Carmelina Campuzano Moda Flamenca

Ángeles Álvarez Moda Flamenca

Revuelo Percusión Cajones Flamencos

Perfiles Moda Flamenca

Avenida de la Campana No 3 Local 1 A,  41440

+34 955 80 37 14

Lora del Río

Trajes de flamenca Yeli

Avda. de Prim, 36, 41440

+34 955 80 25 08

Lora del Río

José Miguel Vega Guiluthier Guitarras Artesanas

c/ Joaquín Bazo Campos, 12, 41120

+34 696 34 97 15
