
Seville, beautiful and diverse

Lantejuela, Land of Lagoons. 

Nestled between Osuna, Écija and Marchena, in Seville’s La Campiña region, is Lantejuela, a town with unique charm. You will enjoy the tranquillity of a rural village surrounded by fields of grain and olive groves, and flanked by its famous lagoons.

La Campana, a getaway in La Campiña

La Campana, a town in Seville’s La Campiña, still preserves its customs and traditions. You will see many household items made from palm leaves.

Arahal, from a resting place to the home of artists

Who could have imagined that this ‘arrahal’, Arabic term for resting place for peasants and shepherds, would become the urban centre that Arahal is today. Here you can enjoy the warmth of its people who have been welcoming travellers for centuries.

Estepa, the town of mantecados

Visiting Seville’s La Campiña is an absolute delight. Estepa will captivate you with the sweet scent of cinnamon.

Alcalá de Guadaíra, the city of bread

Did you know that for centuries Alcalá de Guadaíra supplied a large part of the province of Seville with bread? For this reason, it is popularly known as ‘Alcalá de Los Panaderos’ (Alcalá of the Bakers).

El Viso del Alcor, a balcony in La Campiña

You will be impressed by the beautiful views of La Campiña that El Viso del Alcor has to offer. The history of this town, perched atop a plateau, is reflected in its lovely streets.

Los Molares, a town with medieval roots

Would you like to discover a town with medieval roots? Visit Los Molares in Seville’s La Campiña. You can see its impressive 14th-century Castle from afar.