
Seville, beautiful and diverse

This 18th-century palace house has a stretcher bond brick portal with windows on both the upper and lower levels. There is also a corner balcony with a lock on the façade. Inside the portal is an entrance hall with two magnificent wooden doors.

The Coullaut Valera Palace House in Marchena, commonly known as the “Casa del Ave Maria”, is located in the historic San Juan district, within the historic, walled medieval town. It is one of the most significant and remarkable civil architecture buildings in Marchena from the 17th century. Although the house is from the late 16th century, it was renovated in 1610- 1620.

"Carmen de los Arrayanes" Andalusí Palace. The owner, José Luis Romero Núñez, made his dream a reality. He built a Nasrid-style house in the centre of Paradas.

Recollections of a beautiful 18th century stately mansion. Only a section of the facade and the portal, with a graceful balcony-viewpoint embellished with an elegant wrought-iron railing, remains. The balcony sits at the confluence of two streets. 

The Palace of the Counts of Castellar, which holds the Town Hall, was built between the 15th and 16th centuries. However, it was reduced to rubble in 1977.

As far as civil architecture is concerned, El Viso del Alcor has beautiful mansions built in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, located in the historical centre of the town. 

The Count of Valhermoso Palace is the most outstanding example of Ecija’s Renaissance palaces. The Marquises of Fuentes and Villaseca commissioned its construction in the 16th century in Renaissance style. It likely dates from around 1530. It boasts the best Plateresque-style entrance in Ecija, which consists of an impressive semi-circular arch.