Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Fuente Vieja and Fuente vieja Park


For many centuries, it was the only source of water for the people. Its remote past and healing powers were already known in Roman times.

This fountain is the ultimate example of civil baroque architecture in Andalusia. It consists of two buildings (1773 and 1789), two medieval cisterns and a pool.

The reservoir or cistern is located inside the main pavilion, built in 1773 by the master masons Martín de Gelo and Pedro Franco, under the supervision of the master-builder of the Royal Alcazar of Seville, Ignacio Moreno. The structure sits over the pipes, enclosing a vast, covered cistern. The main façade has a central niche framed by pilasters, with an opening. Above the cornice is a pediment decorated with a tile icon of the Holy Trinity. In 1789, a narrower wing was attached to this building, topped with an image of the Immaculate Conception. It was restored in 2000.

The PARQUE DE LA FUENTE VIEJA is also situated here, with recreational areas and a natural viewpoint over the Guadiamar Green Corridor Protected Landscape, providing a close-up view of the river and its riverbank.


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