Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Santa Clara Church


This convent was founded in 1550 by the wife of the 4th Count of Ureña, María de la Cueva. It was initially located in the southern part of the town. However, the Poor Clare sisters did not consider the venue very suitable. They exchanged the convent for building and properties on La Huerta Street in 1559, where it still stands today. 

The single-nave church has a main chapel. The altars are located on both sidewalls. Its main baroque altarpiece was presided over by a statue of Saint Clare, which can be found today in the Collegiate Church. The profusely-decorate, baroque, polychrome pulpit is the most outstanding feature of the church.

Although the church is quite deteriorated nowadays, it has a rather striking bell tower ringed by a small balcony with a wrought iron railing.

It is currently not used for worship and is closed to the public.


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