turismo activo

Active tourism

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Cycle touring route: Lantejuela / La Puebla de Cazalla


Coming from Fuentes de Andalucía on the A-407 and about 300 metres away from the entrance, tourists should take the turn-off that leads to the municipality of Lantejuela. After 31 metres along Calle Virgen del Rosario, tourists must turn right into Calle Blas Infante and continue until leaving the village on the SE-7201 road towards La Puebla de Cazalla. Approximately 6 kilometres further on tourists will see the turn-off to Marchena. They must continue along the same road, which at this point turns to the left. After 13 kilometres and once the road has finished, on the outskirts of La Puebla de Cazalla, tourists must turn right after crossing the River Corbones, continuing straight on. When they reach the first roundabout they will have to turn left towards Morón de la Frontera along Granada Street, and they will have reached this destination.

There are large fields of olive groves, which will produce the characteristic smell of the olive oil mills when Puebla de Cazalla is reached.

This is also a town that has given Flamenco a large number of singers, so the tradition of this art form is deeply rooted in this municipality.

Endorreic Complex of Lantejuela, crossed by the River Corbones. Asphalt road. Road with traffic of less than 500 vehicles per day.

URL Routometer
[{"nombre":"Segment 1","coordenadas":[{"lat":37.354909,"lng":-5.225092}]}]


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