

Art, feeling and tradition

Osuna's Holy Week


Osuna’s Holy Week, the most important religious event in the city, was designated an Andalusian Festival of Tourist Interest in 1999 owing to its historical and artistic value.

Beyond the beautiful processions of religious images through Osuna’s streets in spring, it is possible to enjoy every year a solemn pageant that reflects the local people’s devotion.

The floats take in procession invaluable sculptures by well-known artists, such as Juan de Mesa, José de Mora, Juan de Astorga and Vicente de Tena, among others.

During the processions through Osuna’s streets of incomparable beauty, the splendour of the images is heightened by the palaces, stately manors and beautiful convents and churches.

This combination of art, colour and the aroma of incense and orange blossoms make Osuna's Holy Week a unique event.

Approximate date


MARIA ANGELES … 16 Jan, 12:26

Desearía venir a mi pueblo y a su semana santa, No la veo desde que era una niña, y me encantaría de nuevo volver y verla en todo su esplendor y visitar todo lo más bonito e importante que me pueda ofrecer mi bonito pueblo., con muchas ganas de volver y conocer todo su encanto que constantemente en varias cosas que busco y No para de mirar con mucho placer, y me quedo encantada con todo lo que hay.......

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