Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Chapel of San Miguel


The chapel of San Miguel is located on the outskirts of the town, today surrounded by recent developments, although there is evidence that when it was built it was outside the town walls.

It is a simple construction with a very plain façade, an entrance door with a semicircular arch topped by a pediment on pilasters. Inside the pediment there is a tile with the image of the archangel San Miguel to whom the chapel is dedicated, with the peculiarity that it has been repaired and has the same piece repeated three times, two of them with darker tones that give away their placement at a different time from the remaining pieces.
It has only one nave which has undergone numerous alterations, so we do not know its original form, although a brief description of certain details can be found in the writings of the Order of Santiago. Thanks to these documents we can be certain that this chapel was under construction in 1511. Around 1514 it was almost completed, and we find references stating that the construction had been paid for by the alms and donations of the locals.
The last two texts of the Order of Santiago about this chapel date from 1575 and 1604, where the original building is described, highlighting the images that make it up and, in attention to the Council of Trent ending in 1563, the alterations that must be made for it to be used as a place of worship.
Also, according to the Archives of Notarial Protocols of Sanlúcar la Mayor, it is known that, since 1540, there has been a brotherhood dedicated to Nuestra Señora de la Concepción and Nuestro Señor San Miguel based in this chapel.


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