Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Church of San Francisco de Asís


The Franciscan monastery of Corpus Christi founded by Juan Téllez Girón was built in 1541 and is still largely preserved today.

In addition to the church, of the proto-baroque order, this building has other rooms that remain from its origin as a convent, such as the atrium, consisting of four bodies formed by semicircular arches on Tuscan columns covered with Arabic tiles, which leads to a magnificent quadrangular courtyard, recently renovated, with a superb cistern preserved at its centre. This courtyard has 28 beautifully carved white marble columns, each three metres high and supported by plinths.

The church has a rectangular floor plan and a single seven-section nave roofed with a half-barrel vault. It has a classical doorway consistent with the time of its foundation, four chapels and a main altarpiece from the 18th century.

Some of the most outstanding features are the sculptures of the Virgen de la Aguas (1618) and the Cristo de la Oración en el Huerto (1622) by Luis Peña, a sculptor from Granada and a disciple of Montañés. Headquarters of the Hermandad de San Francisco, its convent building has been the Municipal Hospital since 1895. It has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.


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