Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Pareja Palace


The Pareja Palace belonged to knights surnamed Pareja. It is considered the typical traditional Ecijan building from the 17th-18th century. Following several renovations for different uses, several elements that had been transformed have recently been restored, including the courtyard, the stairwell and various rooms. During this restoration, sponsored by the City Council, an inscription –YEAR: 1727- was found on one of the viewpoint’s pillars, which provides the date for either construction or renovation date.

The entrance is the only remarkable element on the façade. It is one of the most impressive Ecijan Baroque portals from the second quarter of the 18th century. The entrance is richly decorated with angled encased pilasters and curved pediments crowned by pyramidal gables and a curved entablature in the centre with the family coat of arms. All this contrasts with the naked façade of the rest of the building. A slender viewpoint with semi-circular arches and a hip roof is located at one corner of the façade.

It currently houses the Municipal Library.


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