Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

San Pedro Apóstol Parish Church


The San Pedro Church has a white façade and a welcoming interior. Built in 1859, it was restored in 1998 with funds from the Archbishop of Seville, Coripe Town Council and generous donations by parishioners. However, the baroque dome of the former building and the old chapel of Carmen, now the Tabernacle, still remain.

The church has a single rectangular plan, with a choir, a parish house, a Tabernacle chapel and a Sacristy. This is the seat of the Confraternity of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene, the Holy Christ of the Good Death and Our Most Holy Lady of Sorrows. Highlights inside include the images of Our Most Holy Lady of Sorrows, Our Father Jesus the Nazarene, Our Lady of Fatima, the Sacred Heart, Our Lady Help of Christians and the Christ of the Good Death. It is also home to the town’s two patron saints: Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Peter the Apostle.


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