Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Museo de Arte Sacro


The Santa María Magdalena Parish Church is home to the Museum of Sacred Art. Opened in December 2010, boasts a fascinating collection of liturgical objects. The ceremonial items, treasured throughout the Church’s history, are on display in a designated area of the Church. Imagery, documents, paintings, handcrafted gold and silver artefacts, ceramics, and textiles, from the 16th century to the present day, are assembled in a diverse and interesting exhibition. Highlights include the remarkable artefacts such as choir books and the Cross of Francisco de Alfaro from the late 16th century.

Other noteworthy items are a gilded silver chalice made in Guatemala by Pedro Valenzuela in 1775, and a Colonial-Rococo-style altar set comprising an altar cross, three sacra manuscripts, two lecterns, a small thurible and silver candelabras by Vicente Gargallo in 1796. It also boasts a remarkable collection of choral and missal books, liturgical tunics, ceramics, paintings and sculptures dated between the 16th and 18th centuries.



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