Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Enrique de la Cuadra Municipal Theatre


The theatre was built in 1887 by Enrique de la Cuadra, hence its current name. Utrera’s City Council acquired the building in June 1985, under the Public Theatre Renovation Programme sponsored by the Regional Ministry of Public Works and Culture of the Andalusian Regional Government. The architect in charge of the renovation was Juan Ruesga Navarro. The theatre opened its doors to the public in 1993. It has one of the widest stages in Andalusia.

This “Italian-style” theatre has an equal division of the theatre hall and stage, which together with the rest of the facilities, create a living space for artistic, recreational and cultural activities. The theatre houses the legacy of the Álvarez Quintero brothers, a museum consisting of a library and the personal belongings of the famous comedians from Utrera.

Additionally to its own programme, it also includes different circuits:

  • Andalusian Theatre and Dance Circuit.
  • Andalusian Music Circuit.
  • Abecedaria Programme.
  • Provincial Circuit of Scenic and Musical Arts.
525 people


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