Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Casa de la Sierra /Municipal Ethnological Museum and Tourist Office


The Casa de la Sierra, where the Municipal Tourist Office and Ethnological Museum are located, is one of Castilblanco de los Arroyos' most emblematic buildings. It was built in 1923 by Rafael Amorín Lazo and belonged to a wealthy family from that period.

The museum offers the visitor the possibility of travelling back in time to learn how our grandparents lived in a not so distant but unjustly forgotten past. 

Many of the daily activities of the time have been rescued to show them just as they were, offering visitors the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about such popular trades as the production of vegetable hair, shoemaking, honey production, or about what daily life was like in the homes, as well as an overview of the most popular traditions of our town.



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