Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church


The first written references about this church date back to 1509, although it appears that it was built after the conquest of the town by Christian troops in 1302. In fact, the original parish church must have been built in the Mudejar style, although nothing remains of it as it was destroyed by the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.

During the construction of the new temple, the church was moved to the chapel of the Glorioso Mártir Señor San Sebastián Hospital, now the Vera Cruz Chapel. It was not until 4 February 1759 that the current neoclassical church was blessed and officially opened.

The interior consists of three naves crossed by a transept. The naves are separated by semi-circular arches on robust quadrangular pillars. Groin vaults cover the aisles, while the central nave is covered by a ribbed and flat panelled coffered ceiling. The church has an interesting tower with neoclassical decoration. 

The aisles are known as the Gospel aisle, presided over by the altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, next to the Tabernacle, and the Epistle aisle, where the canonical seat of the Confraternity of the Solitude is located. There are several remarkable paintings, including one of the Virgin Mary and Saint John mourning the death of Christ (early 18th century); an Immaculate Conception (first third of the 17th century); and an Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (17th century) of high artistic merit by Murillo’s School.

The church was closed for restoration from 25 June 1995 to 30 March 1996. The altar and church were consecrated on 20 June 1996 by the Cardinal Archbishop of Seville, Carlos Amigo Vallejo. 



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