Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Puerta de Córdoba


The Puerta de Córdoba is located at the northeast end of Carmona, on a natural watercourse of the Alcor hill. Formerly, it was one of the four gates of the town.     

This gate was built in Roman times. The Via Augusta crossed the city from Puerta de Córdoba to Puerta de Sevilla along the Cardo Maximo.

Resembling a triumphal arch, it had a large central throughway for road traffic, flanked by two smaller pedestrian arches, which were later filled. In Roman times, the gate had a second level, which doubled its current height. Its towers were divided into two sections, thus increasing its height threefold. Since Roman times, the gate has undergone frequent renovation works until it attained its current appearance.    

An interesting 19th-century painting in the soffit of the main structure represents Our Lady of Grace, the patron saint of the town. 

The most recent archaeological research carried out before its restoration revealed that the two small entrances, on each side of the main one, were filled in the 2nd century due to political unrest. These are currently located inside the adjoining terraced houses, making them the only defensive, three-arched Roman Gate in the Iberian Peninsula.

Declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1985 (Official State Gazette BOE 29 June 1985). 


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