
Seville, beautiful and diverse

This is a long, demanding but very picturesque trail, where you can enjoy the Mediterranean wilderness with the added attraction of some abandoned mines.

This route starts at the small rock climbing facilities at the “El Peñón” camping, which takes its name from the Spanish name of the Rock of Algámitas and is located at kilometre 3.5 of the road from Algámitas to Pruna. There, next to the gate, stands the informative signal marking the start of the route.

This walk goes from Cazalla de la Sierra to the Rivera del Huéznar and back.

La Puebla de los Infantes

If you take a look around the National Archaeological Museum one day, you will find a hundred pieces of gold and silver from the 3rd century BC known as the Treasure of La Puebla de los Infantes. This exhibit speaks volumes about the importance this town has had throughout history.

The walk begins at the remains of the 14th century castle that overlooks the town, of which only two towers and a few sections of wall remain. From the castle, you continue in a south-westerly direction until, some three hundred metres further on, you reach a crossroads where you will see a signpost indicating the Colada del Campillo (5 km).

The walk starts next to the La Roda de Andalucía municipal football ground. Leaving the football ground to the right, a compacted sandy path begins, along which, after just 300 m, you cross the bridge over the channelled Salinoso stream.