A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

The Plaza Mayor is one of Osuna’s most iconic urban spaces. It is located in the historical and monumental centre of the ducal town, at the foot of the hill where the Collegiate Church of Santa Maria stands. Several main streets -Sevilla, Tia Mariquita, Asistente Arjona, San Antón, Luis de Molina and Carrera- converge here.

The Ducal Square was the Castle’s parade ground. For centuries, it was the town’s main square, near the palace, and home to the Town Hall. It used as a venue for festivals, “corral de comedias” (open-air comedy theatre) and, above all, bullfights. Nowadays, scenes from the Passion of Christ take place here on Good Friday, in what is locally known as the “Mandato”.

The 16th-century square is located in the historic-artistic centre of this town. This rectangular square with an exedra at its northern end resembles a Roman circus. The structure intended to highlight the beautiful portal of the Palace of the Lords of Fuentes, also known as Hierro Castle.

The square was built in honour of the working women. The statue in the centre of the square, a woman with a basket and a bag in her hand, represents the “recovera” woman. These women travelled daily to Seville, many with their small children, carrying the produce of local market gardens. They went house to house selling the products.

The 19th-century market square was built for public use on the former site of the Santa Catalina Convent.

The rectangular square, attributed to the architect Ramón del Toro, is designed according to the style of squares found in Castile. It is surrounded by colonnade galleries with semi-circular arches supported by columns. The market and food stalls were located here.

The Plaza de la Corredera is of trapezoidal and irregular shaped-square. Its current shape was likely consolidated well into the Modern Age. It took on its final appearance with the general development of the population in the mid-18th century. The square can also be considered as the Plaza Nueva in Arahal, as opposed to the Plaza Vieja.

The Old Square is also known as the Plaza Cardenal Spínola.