
Seville, beautiful and diverse

The Riberas del Guadaíra Theatre-Auditorium is a modern, versatile venue suitable for any type of event, from conventional theatre to operas, musicals, dance, symphonic concerts "and anything else".

Located in the old Azuda or Azud, popularly known as La Zúa. The Azuda was built with stones that were extracted from the surroundings of the Fuenlonguilla in 1745 and was funded by María Girón, daughter of Juan Tellez Girón (IV Count of Ureña) and sister of the first Duke of Osuna, Pedro Girón.

The San Francisco monastery was founded by Diego de Torres, M. A., Professor of Salamanca University, and was paid for by the people through donations. For some time, it was named San Diego in honour of its founder.

This Museum seeks to recover the memory of the famous bullfighter Antonio Fuentes Zurita (Seville, 1869 -1938), whose professional career unfolded over the last decade of the 20th century.    

The Gutiérrez Alba Theatre offers a wide and diverse programme for all audiences, from January to June and September to December.

The Teatro Oriente is a newly built theatre in the town of Morón that was inaugurated in February 2007 and replaced the old Cine Oriente, which was closed in 1998. It is an Italian-style theatre, with a theatre tower, stalls and a box, located on the same site as the old one in Calle Nueva.

Inaugurated in December 2009, the theatre provided the town with an ideal place for the performing arts, increasing the town's range of cultural attractions.