Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Purísima Concepción Convent


A city of God opened its doors in the centre of Lebrija on 28 August 1518. The Monastery of the Immaculate Conception celebrated in 2018 its 500-years of uninterrupted work, daily prayer and monastic life of the Order of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Franciscan Conceptionist Sisters, who have lived here since its opening. The order was founded in Toledo by Saint Beatrice de Silva on 30 April 1489. 

Worthy of note is the Renaissance church, rebuilt during the second half of the 16th century. This stone, single-nave temple is covered by a barrel vault and has a flat apse crowned with a sail vault.

The portal at the west end from the late 16th century is attributed to the School of Hernán Ruiz II. In Mannerist style, it consists of a central nave shaped like a triumphal arch, and two double columns flanking the entrance. The intercolumniation houses two niches that hold St Peter and St Paul. A niche in the second section houses an image of the Virgin and Child.

The main altarpiece, situated in the presbytery, was finished in 1731. The central image the Franciscan Immaculate Conception flanked by St Dominic and St Francis of Assisi. 
The altarpiece is a balanced synthesis of natural elements and geometric resources. Similarly, the coffered ceiling above the high choir with 17th century at the west end, decorated with 17th-century tiles, is remarkable.

Today, the congregation’s primary source of income is the sale of confectionery. Although the peak season is around Christmas, they produce throughout the year.

Opening times

Every day between 10:00 - 19:00. Closed between 13:30 - 16:30.


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