Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Railway Museum



The museum opened in March 2007 explores the close relationship that this town, considered an important hub of rail communications, has maintained with the railway since the 19th century, as well as the history and impact of the train on the development and economy of the municipality.

It consists of two floors: a ground floor, with uniforms of former employees, objects, photographs and books; and an upper floor, with moving models of old and modern trains.

The museum is a clear example of how the train, which has become a heritage asset and an object of nostalgia, can become a major tourist attraction. Uniforms of former employees, curiosities, photographs and a giant model recover the memory of what the emergence of this means of transport meant for local development.


Opening times

Sundays: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Visits by appointment


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