A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

This farm and nature school offers a wide range of activities at enhancing environmental awareness and understanding, as well as promoting conservation-friendly skills and, occasionally, the recovery of native flora and fauna.

This livestock farm was formed by Romualdo Jiménez with cattle from Flores and Veragua, and when taken over by his son, Francisco Jiménez, it was expanded with cattle from Santa Coloma and Argimiro Pérez-Tabernero.

This is an environmental education and rural tourism facility located on a seven-hectare site of Mediterranean woodland, in the municipality of Castilblanco de los Arroyos, Seville, and set in an area of great cultural and biological wealth close to the Sierra Morena Natural Park.

The holding is used exclusively for organising large events, congresses, company meetings, banquets and amateur bullfights. All events can be customised to the client’s exact needs.

The team of expert advisors are available to customise the services to exceed clients’ expectations. The services provided include organising:

The centre of the Osa Valley, next to the River Villa, which is hidden from the view of passers-by, is of more recent construction, from the 15th to the 18th century. This area is made up of wider streets, adapted to the flat area, and which reveal the economic power of the landowners, merchants and industrialists of the time.

The Pilar del Barranco is an old watering place for livestock. It is located in what used to be a gully or ravine, where several groundwater courses converge. The hole receives inflows from a mine that channels the water from Parpagón Alley. 

It was waterproofed and renovated in 2009. 

When Nicanos Villa's livestock farm was divided, the part belonging to his daughter Carmen Villa Lázaro was acquired in 1959 by Domingo Dominguín, who registered it in the name of his wife, Carmen Aparicio Alfayate.