A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

A stone's throw from Seville, in the region of Utrera, the legendary Murube cattle graze on a farm of 850 hectares (500 hectares of dehesa for the bull and 350 hectares of wheat, sunflower and oats).

This livestock farm was founded by Francisco Olivera Bermúdez in Alcalá de Guadaíra in 1961. However, he did not begin to work as a Spanish purebred horse (PRE in Spanish) breeder until 1975.

The Miguel Ángel de Cárdenas Stud Farm is one of the world's main stud farms specialised in the Purebred Spanish Horse. It was founded in the 40's by Miguel Ángel Cárdenas Llavanera, who was a great farmer and a magnificent breeder of different species.