A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

This company specialises in the manufacture of spirits, liquors and aniseed, and the wholesale and retail trade of these products and other beverages in general. This an artisan distillery has continued to use the same age-old production method. “La Flor de Utrera” was established in 1960 by Antonio Espinar. It first distributed two brands, “La Flor de Utrera” and, later, “Horizonte”.

This famous factory, lovers of the surprising and the exquisite, has been making products for the delight of consumers for over 50 years, following the great confectionery tradition handed down over the centuries from the many and varied cultures that have left their mark on Andalusia. 

The passion of this small but impeccable dairy products workshop is cheeses, which are made with raw goat milk from the native Sevillian flowery breed of grazing livestock and exclusively use ferments from their own milk.

This small family company is located in Coripe, in the south of the province of Seville, surrounded by a stunning natural landscape in the heart of Sierra de Algodonales.

Bakery, founded in 2003, specialising in the production of artisan bread, confectionery and sweets.

This family business, specialising in the artisan production of breadsticks, was founded in 1968 by Francisco Castilla Gordillo, the pioneer in breadsticks in this area. This tradition is now passed down from generation to generation.

Virgin olive oil made with arbequina olive trees from the Hacienda Merrha, the microclimate, the soil and the work ethos of Juan Antonio Morillo Ruiz, the producer and master of the oil mill.