A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

The Sevillian town of Aznalcóllar is home to the Zawiya, an Islamic, religious monument unique in Andalusia. These buildings, commonly found in the Maghreb and West Africa, were used as Islamic schools or monasteries.

This church is located in one of the most important areas in the city, at one end of the main square. The former school of San Teodomiro, founded by the Society of Jesus in 1619, faced this square.

The chapel is a construction built in several stages. Its oldest part is in the Mudejar style, with three naves, separated by pointed arches framed by an alfiz and a chancel roofed by a hemispherical dome decorated with murals.

This church is considered one of the most significant Baroque buildings in the province of Seville and a jewel of Ecijan Baroque. The Limpia Concepción de Nuestra Señora Church (Los Descalzos) was renovated between 2006 and 2009, under the “Baroque Andalusia” programme of the Andalusian Government. The church had remained closed for 30 years until then.

This building underwent several renovations during the first half of the 18th century that proved insufficient. In the century’s middle years, the chapel was demolished and rebuilt, leading to the loss of any information about previous interventions. The construction of the new Church began in 1752 with donations from institutions and individuals. It was completed in 1758. 

The Chapel of the Vera Cruz or True Cross is a baroque architectural masterpiece from the second half of the 18th century. It is characterised by exuberant details, particularly in the chapel’s historic fine-brick façade. Built on the remains of the original 16th-century Shrine, it is now dedicated to the Christ of the Santa Vera Cruz or Holy True Cross.

It was built in the 18th and 19th centuries. Worthy of note is the 18th-century tile plinth, and a 16th-century Crucified Christ.