Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Nuestro Padre Jesús Church


This Church was initially a former shrine dedicated to Jesus the Nazarene. The temple was already a derelict ruin in 1721. Five years later, the titular image of the parish church was transferred to demolish the building and build a new one.

If the interior of the Church is clearly Baroque in style, it is even more so on the outside. The entrance is a clear illustration of the abundance of decorative elements and level of perfectionism that its author, Diego Antonio Díaz, achieved using with carved brick. A versatile and simple material linked to the purest local tradition. Likewise, the front entrance is proof of the high technical and artistic skills of Sevillian master builders at that time.

Built as a single nave with interior buttresses, the Church has a basilica floor plan with a transept and presbytery, and chapels on both sides with upper galleries between the buttresses.

The baroque style of this Church is reflected in the decoration of the vault, decorated with blue carved plasterwork, with fake structures, cherubs and the four Evangelists.

This Church is the canonical headquarters of the Confraternity of Jesus, a penitential confraternity that marches in procession on the late afternoon-night of Holy Wednesday.

For this reason, the titular images, Our Father Jesus of Nazareth) and Our Lady of Sorrows, are revered and worshipped within.

Opening times

Tuesday and Wednesday: 11:00 to 13:00


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