Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Santa Ana Conventual Church


The chapel of Santa Ana in Dos Hermanas is a small temple attached to the Santa María Magdalena Church.

This small chapel houses the image of Santa Ana, the patron saint of this city. She appears in the group sculpture composed of herself with the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus. It is a small polychrome wooden carving that, according to legend, the sisters Elvira and Estefanía Nazareno found it in a cave that existed here centuries ago.

Legend or reality, this discovery would eventually give rise to the name of the town, "Dos Hermans - Two Sisters", as well as the demonym of its inhabitants, known as "Nazarenos".

The chapel, originally built in the Mudejar style, was partially renovated in the 17th century, and later abandoned. It was rebuilt again in the late 19th century and in 1996.

It holds the tombstone of Bernardo de Grimaldi, Genoese nobleman, a descendant of the ruling family in Monaco, who lived in Seville in the 16th century. According to tradition, the cave where the image of Santa Ana, found by the sisters Elvira and Estefanía, and the origin of the current town, is also preserved.


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