Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Alpériz Palace


The Palace was built around 1905 by the architect José Gutierrez Lescure and the master-builder José Solares, together with the master mason, Juan Lopéz Tristán, a native of Dos Hermanas, whose descendants are known today by the nickname “Ratón”. The Alperiz family -Manuel Alperiz Bustamante and his wife Juana González-, were successful fabric merchants.

The Neomudejar-style Palace has many horseshoe arch-shaped windows and tapestries with Arabic geometric patterns.

The regionalist-style gardens have statues, gazebos and large ceramic benches, many with Don Quixote-inspired tiles. he garden could be attributed to Forestier owing to its style; however, its small size appears to suggest that it could have been created by a regionalist architect.

This Palace, which is deemed part of the Jute Fabric Factory heritage, has changed hands several times. Based on an interview given at the time, it appears that the Alperiz family transferred ownership to José Lissen Hidalgo.

Hidalgo was the owner of the property until 1930. Since then, the palace has had several uses. It became an extension of the “El Tomillar” Tuberculosis Sanatorium until 1952 when it was used as the Preventorio Infantil de Santa Teresa. The children of patients at the Sanatorium were accommodated here.

Since 1973, it has been a Pensioner Social Club. Noteworthy are the renovations carried out on the entire building during 1983-1988, which gave it the appearance it has today.

Nowadays, the Alpériz Palace is a leading exponent of Nazarene civil architecture and a valuable example of Seville's neo-Mudejar style worth visiting.


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